Unsociable Cows
Strategies in Action
What You'll See:
In this video, you'll see a perfect example of what happens when cows want nothing to do with you! We've all been there: we're working a bull, he sounds interested, but all of a sudden he starts moving away – albeit still bugling - and then simply disappears. Many times, the reason rests squarely with "unsociable" cows. Chris has to deal with "unsociable" cows each year just like you do, and this sequence shows a perfect example of that!
This sequence is almost completely un-cut, so you'll see everything as it happened, as fast (or slow...) as it happened, out in the field. Also, because Chris used Targeted Cow Calling Strategies extensively the day before, and because the situation on this morning lent itself well to trying one, he went ahead and used more of a Passive Cow Calling Strategy for this calling effort.
Setting the Stage:
It's late September, and during the previous morning's "hunt," Chris followed several groups of elk into this particular area where they eventually settled down and bedded for the day - with the operative word being "followed" (see the "Arizona Bugling Chaos" video). So, for this morning's "hunt," he decided to come in from the opposite direction to try and "beat" the elk in there and hopefully get in front of them.
Because he was in the area where all the elk wanted to be the day before, when a particularly good-sounding bull started bugling in front of him, Chris decided to set up, and start calling like a group of cows and calves that were already in the would-be "bedding area," that were milling around and getting ready to settle in for the day – the hope being that the bull would come in to check out the "new" girls that were in front of him, and that were right where he wanted to be anyways.
Viewing / Listening Tips:
While other videos are best listened to via headphones or ear-buds, this sequence can be listened to with your normal speakers. If you do listen to the sequence using headphones/ear-buds, however, use CAUTION on where you set your volume; Chris' calling is proportionally much louder than the rest of the audio, so don't set your volume too loud or you may hurt your ears.
Up Next in Strategies in Action
Age and Wisdom
What You'll See:
This sequence follows the "Unsociable Cows" video: it shows what Chris did after the cows pulled the bull away and after they finally headed to their bedding area for the morning. Another example of working bulls in close to their bedding areas, this video highlights "the long g... -
Jackrabbit Spook
What You'll See:
In this video, you'll see Chris use a Passive Cow Vocalization Strategy during a late-morning calling effort to engage two different bulls that have already settled into their bedding areas.Setting the Stage:
The third encounter on this particular morning, which was filmed aft... -
Broken Bull and "Pitchfork"
What You'll See:
In this video, you'll see Chris use both the Passive and Targeted Cow Vocalization Strategies during a mid-morning calling effort to engage animals that are either in - or very near - their bedding areas. He uses these strategies to try to call in a mature bull who happens to be...