When Shadowing Works
Strategies in Action
What You'll See:
At some point in our elk hunts each fall, we’ll find ourselves following a bull (or a herd), trying to keep up, and trying to call something in. In this sequence, Chris finds himself in that exact situation, but with a few younger bulls scattered in between him and the bull he was after, as well. Chris gives plenty of commentary throughout this video on what it seems the elk are doing, what he’s thinking as he’s calling, moving, and setting up, and why things unfolded as they did, and provides a great example of how shadowing a bull/herd, and constantly staying close, can pay off.
Setting the Stage:
This encounter occurs immediately after the encounter in the “An Earlier Lesson in Patience” video. As soon as he wrapped up his first encounter for that morning, Chris headed off to chase the next closest bugle that he could hear–not realizing that “chase” would be the operative word for this calling effort! As Chris followed, the herd’s behavior and vocalizations suggested there was possibly more than one bull with cows, but–as they moved–it was hard to tell precisely what was going on, and who had control of the cow group, if any.
Viewing / Listening Tips:
For this video, your device speakers should be more than sufficient to hear 95+% of all you need to, but there are a couple of times (i.e. the Bull Mews toward the beginning, and the Glunks toward the end) where headphones/ear-buds could come in handy. Feel free to listen however you’d like.
Up Next in Strategies in Action
What You'll See:
The intent behind this evening’s effort was to give a lesson in finding elk in unfamiliar areas. Not only do we get a lesson in that, there’s a great lesson in calling cows when a bull is locked down with a large harem, as well. When trying to call the cows, patient persistence ... -
Bull in the Wide Open
What You'll See:
In this sequence, you’ll get to see why understanding elk body language and behavior can be so important; not only to know what calling strategy to employ, but also to help you determine how long you should work a set-up, even if the initial conditions aren’t perfect. For this ... -
Calling a Bedded Bull
What You'll See:
Whether we stumble in on one, or we work the wind right and make a play for a midday set-up, sometimes we have an opportunity to try and call a bull out of his bed. In this sequence, Chris shows what he does to call a bull out of his bed, and the patience that is often involved ...